Do you have what it takes to be your own boss?

What personality traits distinguish successful entrepreneurs? Our self-test provides you with clues in 5 categories and helps you find out if you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
Young businessman making positive notes

More and more people are seeking the path to self-employment

...voluntarily or out of necessity.

Stories of successful entrepreneurs are enticing, the advertisements of easy money often presented on social media are tempting: a five-figure income, working on the beach, being your own boss. But caution is advised, as not everyone is made for self-employment.

The foundation for success in self-employment is personal suitability. To avoid a life-threatening misstep, we present to you in this article the most important personality traits of entrepreneurs.

Take a bit of time while reading and answer the questions of our self-test to find out if you are made for self-employment.

The 5 pillars of an entrepreneurial personality
  1. The foundation for your success in self-employment: The desire for it
  2. Broad shoulders that can bear responsibility
  3. Your personal resilience matters
  4. A willingness to learn helps you grow
  5. Good self-assessment and healthy self-confidence

1. The foundation for your success in self-employment: The desire for it

Many people become self-employed to answer their own question of meaning: They feel trapped in a job that does not fulfill them and where they can no longer make a true contribution.

If an inner fire for more self-determination and freedom in the job burns within you, this can be a strong drive for success in self-employment.

5 Statements for the Self-Test

How true are the following statements for you?

  • I want to create more than I currently can.
  • I long for a fulfilling, meaningful activity.
  • I feel like I am suffocating when my freedom to make decisions is restricted.
  • I have skills that I cannot use profitably in my current position.
  • I regularly think: I don't want to continue this way.

2. Broad shoulders that can bear responsibility

Transitioning from employment to self-employment means that you bear the responsibility for all decisions. You can no longer dodge the issue because colleagues missed a deadline or suppliers failed to honor the contract. Every decision (or lack thereof) has a direct impact on your professional success.

How do you currently handle responsibility in your life? Do you often blame others or see problems as challenges to proactively find solutions?

Taking responsibility means not blaming others or circumstances for difficulties, but becoming proactive to find the best path forward.

This character trait is extremely important in self-employment. You will face many challenges along your journey, but with the right mindset, you can overcome them.

5 Statements for Self-Assessment

How much do the following statements apply to you?

  • I seek challenges
  • I can handle criticism well
  • I like making decisions
  • I delegate tasks but not responsibilities
  • I focus on my strengths and not the weaknesses of others
  • I see problems as challenges to find solutions

3. Your personal resilience is crucial

As a rule, there are no paid breaks, such as vacations or sick leave (unless through voluntary or private insurance contributions), especially not in the early stages of self-employment.

You will find that new challenges arise every day that need to be addressed. Therefore, physical and mental resilience is something self-employed individuals should actively invest in. Good health in all areas also promotes effectiveness during working hours.

Being successfully self-employed also means taking care of your body and mind. How much does a healthy lifestyle feature in your daily routine?

The willingness to take good care of oneself is an important prerequisite for success in self-employment.

5 Statements for Self-Assessment

How much do the following statements apply to you?

  • I am mentally and physically fit.
  • I consciously invest in my mental and physical health.
  • I am resilient in stressful situations.
  • I have ways to recover after demanding days or phases.
  • I can rely on my ability to make good decisions even in stressful situations.

4. Willingness to learn allows you to grow

One thing is certain when taking the step into self-employment. You will discover what you do not yet know along the way. Therefore, a joy of learning is a personality trait inherent to successful entrepreneurs.

Does the thought of constantly dealing with new things make you break out in a sweat? Or are you excited to learn new things about people, processes, taxes, or legal matters?

Of course, some new topics will be easier or more difficult, more interesting or more boring. But if you generally welcome change and look forward to growth, self-employment might be for you.

5 Statements for Self-Test

How strongly do the following statements apply to you?

  • I welcome change.
  • I love learning and have never stopped.
  • I pursue personal development.
  • I have broad interests.
  • I don't give up at the first hurdle.

5. Good Self-Assessment and Healthy Self-Confidence

Whether someone takes the step into self-employment or not usually depends mostly on their own self-confidence. Self-employed people generally take responsibility for many, if not all, aspects themselves - revenue, expenses, employees, and of course, the success of the business. There is no room here for self-doubt or for overestimating one's abilities.

5 Statements for Self-Test

How much do you identify with the following statements?

  • I have good self-confidence.
  • I believe I can find solutions to almost all problems.
  • Other people perceive me as a person with great self-confidence.
  • I can present myself convincingly.
  • Difficulties do not intimidate me.

Do You Have What It Takes to Become Self-Employed?

If you have answered the questions in this article mostly and without hesitation with 'Yes', then according to our experience, you have good personal prerequisites for successful self-employment.