Founding Expert
Tomislav Tabak
My offer to you
There comes a phase in life when many of us feel the urge for a career change and reorientation. In such moments, the idea of self-employment often arises.
Before you hastily dive into the adventure of self-employment or opt to stay in the familiar world of employment, I encourage you to carefully analyze your own interests and abilities and explore options you may not have considered.
This is exactly where I offer my support.
Why IoE?
Since its founding, IoE has successfully paved the way for numerous former managers and executives into self-employment. Be inspired by the business ideas and franchise concepts we present to you after a careful analysis of your skills and desires. You don't always have to reinvent the wheel – with our support, you can understand and successfully implement a proven concept from another region or country.
Seemingly saturated or still unknown business models often hold untapped potential and hidden market niches. Our portfolio of concepts is dynamic, as we are constantly monitoring the global market.
Trust in our expertise.
Who should get in touch with me?
Anyone who wants to make a career change and pursue their own ideas and goals. For me, the best part is when I can open up new perspectives and guide our clients on new paths.
Professional Experience
I was fortunate to know early on that I wanted to become self-employed. After completing my specialized high school, I took over the family business. Initially, it was a great challenge to balance my studies, continuous education, and the company.
However, I have continuously grown through the tasks of my self-employment and have founded and successfully managed several companies in various industries over the years. I entered franchising in 2016. For over 4 years, I had the privilege of supporting a European concept from the food industry in its entry into the German market. Today, I am motivated to share my knowledge and experience with aspiring entrepreneurs.
With my support, you too may soon be part of the club of entrepreneurs!